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Galpão Cultural is a cultural point and occupied public space in  Cubatão / SP downtown since 2017. Which maintains a permanent program of rehearsals, theatrical performances, events, concerts, festivals, soirees, exchanges, workshops, courses, exhibitions, performances, cinema, and art environmental education, with a community library and a thrift store, offering all activities free of charge.


historical background

Located inside Parque Novo Anilinas in Cubatão, Galpão Cultural was an underutilized small warehouse that used to present unsanitary conditions. Due to the lack of cultural places in the city, three theater collectives organized and presented to the city government a project to revitalize the space for cultural activities. In January 2017, they obtained permission to occupy and transform the abandoned property into the main cultural space in Cubatão.
The restoration lasted three months, among cleanings and massive group efforts. Supported through donations of saves from Coletivo 302, some local commerce finances, institutional partnerships, voluntary contributions, and own resources, the costs could be were financed. Affectionately opened on March 5, 2017, it originally served as a pocket theater, rehearsal, and workshops room. Over time, it found its mission and resized itself beyond the physical space, creating an environment for artistic experimentation, a network of exchanges, meeting of diversities, construction of political thoughts, hosting cultural events. Among many of these events, the most important of them are Proac, APAA, Ponto Mis, Curta Santos, Unesco, Sesc Performance Platform, Cubatão Theater Festival, and others, involving a collaborative web from Cubatão, from Baixada Santista, Metropolitan Region of ABC and São Paulo.

In 2018 Galpão Cultural was recognized as a point of culture by the standards established in the Cultura Viva Law (13,018 / 2014), and just over three years of occupation, it is estimated that approximately 10,000 people were directly impacted by its actions, with all activities carried out free of charge.

ações culturais


Sunday summer day 2017/ 18/ 19/ 20

Sunday summer day is an opening season event for the outcoming activities in Galpão Cultural. It happens during the summer holidays and has traditionally taken place over the first days of January since 2017, becoming more attractive and famous through the years. A leisure day in the park, an open invitation for all families to take a chillax with a water tank truck bath, playing in a soccer soapy field, taking part in a water balloon fight, dancing in an aerobic class, and many other fun water activities for all ages.


The end of the world carnival parade 2016/ 17/ 19/ 20

It is a mambembe carnival block, where the most iconic people parade over the last carnival street on the avenue. Always held on Ash Wednesdays, the party begins at Galpão Cultural and continues in a rhythm of samba towards occupying a public square to enjoy the celebration. In every edition, a new theme has approached as a samba plot in the parade.


Ocupa Park 2017/ 18/ 19/ 20

Ocupa Park is an action promoted by Galpão Cultural since 2017, which provides a day of artistic and cultural occupations throughout the park. An open call is made to local and regional artists to occupy the Novo Anilinas Park with their art over 12 hours of uninterrupted activities happening at the same time.


Ocupa Parkinho 2018/ 19/ 20

It is a children's day event in Galpão Cultural, where fun activities and games have stimulated the imagination and the development of other cognitive skills presented in a child's life. Additionally, other things can be enjoyed, such as the distribution of cotton candies, artistic makeup, 3D glasses, street football, theatrical performances, and a children's disco.

Women’s soirée 2017/ 18/ 19

Soirée produced by U[z]ina Coletiva featured by women. The program includes a conversation circle, performance presentations, circus, music, theater, visual arts exhibition, kids space care, and a creative economy fair. Over its six editions, the soiree brought reflections on motherhood, blackness, transsexuality and transsexual women, and female resistance.

EcoTuesday 2019

It is an environmental education art program that mediates actions focusing on environmental consciousness and creativity recycling methods. The project is focusing on children from public schools and general visitors of Novo Anilinas Park.


#TQT¹ 2019

Every Wednesday night is an event always held on Thursdays with a different cultural program approach, varying from soirees, concerts, exhibitions, SLAMS battles, theater sketches, performances, film exhibitions, vegan cuisine classes, and others. TQT is a different meeting space that every edition brings a unique audience.

 ¹ #TQT is an abbreviation for “Toda Quinta Tem” translated to English as Every Wednesday night or #EWN also abbreviated.


Theater at the park 2017/ 18/ 19

Is a program that seeks to establish partnerships with artists, groups, and theater collectives from all the cities of Baixada Santista and the state, creating cultural exchange networks, receiving a monthly theater program at Novo Anilinas Park. Tickets works based on voluntary contribution.

kitsch witch thrift shop 2019/ 20

It is a small thrift store inside Galpão Cultural that promotes actions each new season, providing the experience of changing clothes and purchasing new items for very affordable prices.


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