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The play narrates in a ludic way the trajectory of a Scarlet Ibis, which is about to start a journey back to its native mangrove. While He is packing his bags, he finds some objects that make him remember stories from his trajectory.This piece is a children's game, trying to introduce values ​​regarding the importance of preserving memory and environmental care that must be taken by the place where we live.

watch our adaptation

The play is part of a first theatrical action by Coletivo 302 in Cubatão (Brazil/SP), which was supported by a city cultural program called Cubatão Plural - Heranças e Identidades (2016).  Developed by the Department of Diversity and Public Policies, this project provided ten presentations of this play at public schools for children, covering around seven neighborhoods, directly reaching about one thousand children.The activity followed with presentations at some events in the city aimed at children, and in October of 2017, it had a short season at Galpão Cultural during the children's month. Inserted in the collective's repertoire, whenever revisited, it gains a new guise, maturing according to our trajectory. In 2018, the play was selected for a new public program and showing a new reformulation in its dramaturgy and staging. It is estimated that about two thousand people have already seen the collective's first work, which we affectionately call "Guarazinho"

cast and crew

Direction, dramaturgy, costume design and scenography: Coletivo 302 | Cast: Allana Santos, Matheus Lípari, Sander Newton and Sandy Andrade | Musician: Andrea Dória | Original composition: Sander Newton | Pedagogy coordinator : Sandy Andrade | Executive production: Coletivo 302

watch our adaptation

Below, you can watch the video presentation developed from an excerpt from the play "Where is Guará?" selected for the 17th Cubatão Theater Festival, held digitally in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

ficha técnica 

Direção, figurino e cenário: Coletivo 302 | Texto: Sander Newton | Elenco: Allana Santos e Sandy Andrade | Captação de imagem e som: Matheus Lípari | Trilha sonora original: Marcozi dos Santos | Catering: Cabana da Piba | Edição e finalização: Allana Santos

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